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Journey's Beginning <Prev ~//~ Next> Melrode MonasteryThe game begins with the Grand Abbott warning Brian of his quest. With the Eletale Book gone demons have been release and animals perverted. If an experienced Spirit Tamer Lord Bartholomy, Brian's father, could not find it. Then how could master apprentice Brian fare?When the conversation is over, explore the monastery. Like most RPG's the brothers tell Brian the basics of the game. Talk to brother in the refectory (dining hall) before you open the chests. Practicing good hospitality, he gives Brian a loaf of bread. Let me point out now that there is no "buying" in the game. People will give Brian stuff for free if he does not have it. It is a nice feature, but it does not let you directly stock up resources. After exploring the Monastery head outside. Go down the steps and follow the counter-clockwise trail to the stable. In the haystack is the first Spirit. Grab it and follow the trail down to the gates. MelrodeThe town is just like the monastery and gives more information on game basics. Points of interest are the General Store and the Inn. The store will give Brian the White Wings that fly him to Melrode whenever he is on the map (not in forest, caves or other towns). Just make sure to pick up another pair before leaving Melrode after using them. At the Inn Brian can heal up and save the game. In the common room is Shannon Stork. She too warns Brian of the dangers outside like everyone else. For treasure there is loaf of bread in the shepard's hut and a Spirit is in the far corner of the sheep green. After exploring everything head for the south gate outside.The Holy PlainAh wide opens spaces. Out on the plain monsters will attack Brian in random encounters. Take these opportunities to practice your battle skills, raise levels, and choose an ethos. (General Informaiton.) Combining elements for spells with the C button is odd, but it will become second nature soon. If Brian is close to dying do not worry. Just remember above all things DO NOT use your items. Brian will die in his first outings, but each battle makes him stronger. If he does die, he will faint and reappear at the last place he saved at. All events up to death including gained experience and are kept. So if he faints on a trip just save and try again. It will be easier the second time through. After a few Inn rests, deaths or actually excursions you may notice the time changes. As far as I can tell it is just scenic. People say the say the same things and there appears to be no variation on monster appearance. Also as in most RPG elemental advantages and disadvantages are used. Use an attack with the same element as the monster for less damage (50%) and the opposite element for more damage (125%). Opposite elements are Earth/Wind and Water/Fire.When Brian is strong enough follow the trail south. There is a Spirit on the southern edge of the beach on the left. A little bit further is a gypsy's hut on the right. Inside madam will give free reading. Useless as that is there is a free Spirit in the middle and a place to rest. It may not be noticeable but huts or areas empty of monsters a use. Run Brian around to restore his MP and increase his Agility. If you have Healing, use it to restore your HP and run to restore your MP again. In time Brian can fully recover himself. Speaking of Healing what spells have has Brian learned? Many people recommend boosting Water immediately since it will get you Healing. It is true that Healing is needed for any sane or social person to finish the game, but it is not that dire if you hold it off a bit. If you chose elements other than Water do not think "Oh #$*$ I screwed up!" Part of the pleasure of the game is using the different spells. As Brian continues south he will pass another hut. Use it as a rest area if needed and grab the Spirit in the fence corner. When Brian comes to a crossroads make a right to the walled city of Dondoran. <Prev ~//~ Next> |